Tiekartta Kestävän ja älykkään liikkuvuuden strategiaan

Suomen Satamaliitto ry, 7.7.2020

Komissio valmistelee liikenteen toimialalle Kestävän ja älykkään liikkuvuuden strategiaa, osana Euroopan vihreän kehityksen ohjelmaa. Strategialla halutaan varmistaa, että EU:n liikenneala täyttää puhtaan, digitaalisen ja nykyaikaisen talouden vaatimukset. Tavoitteena on:

  • lisätä päästöttömien ajoneuvojen käyttöönottoa
  • tarjota kestäviä vaihtoehtoisratkaisuja yleisölle ja yrityksille
  • tukea digitalisaatiota ja automaatiota
  • parantaa yhteyksiä.

Lausunto: Finland is much dependent on efficient seaborne transports because of its open economy and remoteness from its main export markets. Finnish port authorities are engaged in working out solutions to sustainable and smart mobility in collaboration with their clients, stakeholders and public authorities within the transport chain, and internally, in their own operation. From this position we see the roadmap comprehensive and its contents well argumented.

From the port perspective the main challenge for reducing climate impact of transports is to help facilitate the supply of alternative fuels for vessels, which account for the great majority of emissions to air at ports. In this respect Finland, as other more remote EU member states, have the challenges related to remoteness and smaller internal markets. For reducing their own climate footprint of operation, port authorities are looking into alternative energy sources and energy efficiency in lighting, heating, ice-management etc. The Regulation (EU)2017/352 on port services and financial transparency of the ports sets important principles on infrastructure charging, as a tool in deciding on necessary own investments to transport and energy infrastructure.

Digitalisation in turn, is an important tool for smart mobility. Our experience is, that market based solutions at port are built bottom-up, in cooperation with business partners. In this way, they are always based on actual needs, regardless of the size of the challenge. The aim is to find new modes of operation or completely new type services that streamline mobility and transport, reducing traffic, emissions, need for new physical infrastructure and its environmental impact. It means possibility to share information between different size actors, thereby facilitating fair, accessible and affordable transition to sustainable transport. It also facilitates cooperation within the logistics chains – for ports it means better connectivity with its hinterland. Common data spaces in accordance with EU Data Strategy respond to this need of data sharing in a community different types and sizes of users.

Data sharing must be promoted through measures that help maintain trust between partners, such as user groups in ports, where there are public and private entities, companies of different size. They often compete with one another, but still share common benefits of efficiency and reduced environmental footprint from the greater data sharing. In data use we see that rules for data management that respect data privacy, in cybersecurity technological capability and knowledge are important principles.

Adequate digital infrastructure is a question of business strategy at the port level: for some it is already 5G, but depending on the customer needs 3G can be just as valid for the time being. Automatisation is a step by step process at ports, and eg. full automatization may not be the objective for a port, nor it may be necessary from the sustainability point of view.

Finnish Port Association (FPA) brings the position of Finnish port authorities to decision making in Finland and in the EU. It represents ports in cargo as well as in passenger transport. The membership of FPA consists of 29 sea and inland ports. Over 90 percent of the whole Finnish seaborne export and import is transported through FPA’s member ports.